November 17, 2012

What is the importance of sounds in animation?

                Sounds are very important in any film/movie. Sound makes the feel of the movie. An animation without a sound is plain and sometimes not that very good feel the message of the scene. For my opinion, without sound in animation is like watching cartoons of the oldies wherein the message is foreseen in the action of the character. That is not enough to make the audience to really feel the thrill, excitement and etc. What if it’s a horror animation, then it wouldn’t really be a horror without the sound because audience might not scream or be frightened.
                There are some opinions that they wouldn’t like the movie even if the animation is great when the sound effects are poor. This simply means that sound play a very important role in keeping the feel of the movie/animation. Every little sound detail is likely to be included to make an animation really good. Make it be a foot step, a gash of the wind, a cricket in the night or simply a buzz of a fly. It is really important to include those for the audience feel the environment of your scene and aside from these sound effects, background music would help if the scene is sad, thriller and action. Ultimately, my say is that the audience can hear and therefore let them hear the feel of the scene to make a thumb up animation.

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